Sunday, December 02, 2007

Automobiles in Society

This paper is a revise of the impact of the growing of automobiles on the global environment, people’s lives and health, and the formation of Western culture. In addition to survey the impact of automobiles, technologies that have been developed to cope with the problems will be examine, as well as potential long-term solution to the community and ecological troubles caused by automobiles.

While the ecological collision of automobiles on society may be supposed in more material terms, the size of its social impact is more theoretical in its definition. Mark Delucchi suggests that the total social cost of automobile use is the welfare dissimilarity between the current motor vehicle system and a system which provides exactly the same services but without time, manpower, materials, or energy - in short without cost. This explanation of the social cost of automobiles alludes to several general categories of impact, such as personal non-monetary costs, bundled private sector costs, government costs, and various externalities.

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